By Unknown Wednesday, February 29, 2012 Indicator Audio Peak Indicator Circuit The existence of the peak indicator "Audio Peak Indicator" in an audio device is needed. Audio Peak indicator is a simple circuit ...
By Unknown 5:18:00 AM Timer Timer with about 10 minutes Applications of 555 timer IC is very diverse, one series of 10 Minute Timer with IC 555. 10 Minute Timer This circuit uses IC NE555 is set a...
By Unknown 5:13:00 AM Sensor Fire alarm with light sensor Fire alarm can be made with a light sensor (LDR) as in the article with the title of Fire Alarm with this LDR sensor. Principles of fire det...
By Unknown 5:06:00 AM Charger Circuit Powerful Battery Charger Circuit Series NIMH Battery Charger with IC LT4060 is a NIMH battery charger is powerful, effective and efficient. Featur owned by IC LT4060 is a sp...
By Unknown 5:02:00 AM Digital 74LS247 7 Segment Display Circuit The displayor using a 7 segment display in electronic device applications is drain port of a microcontroller or data that would point in the...
By Unknown 4:58:00 AM Other Circuit PWMMotor Driver As the title "PWM DC Motor Driver with Forward / Reverse and Breaking" this series is a PWM DC motor controller that can control D...
By Unknown 4:45:00 AM Other Circuit Zero Crossing Detector Circuit Zero Crossing Detector circuit is basically an application of a comparator. In the article series Zero Crossing Detector with Op Amp is buil...
By Unknown 4:16:00 AM LED Flip Flop Led Circuit Flip Flop LED Flip flop circuit is a series of free runing multivibrator given the burden of LEDs on each side of the transition changes its...
By Unknown 4:13:00 AM Inverter Circuit Frequency to Voltage Converter Circuit IC LM2917 Frequency to Voltage Converter IC LM2917 IC chip is designed specifically as a Frequency to Voltage Converter or Frequency to Volt...
By Unknown 4:10:00 AM Charger Circuit Battery Charger based on AVR ATMega 8535 Battery Charger in general can be interpreted as a means to recharge the battery charge. Principles of good charger circuit is capable of pr...
By Unknown 4:07:00 AM Digital ADC 207 Flash Converting Flash Converting - ADC 207 ADC 207 is the first to use Flash Converting An Advanced High Speed VLSI 1.2 micron CMOS process. The process t...
By Unknown Wednesday, February 22, 2012 LED Music LED light level This is a simple circuit. Music can change the LED light level gamut. Operation of this circuit is a circuit op amp IC1 / 1-IC1 / 5 compared...
By Unknown Friday, February 17, 2012 Input output signal Other Circuit Very Simple Peak Indicator Circuit This series is made to indicate that the amplifier has been given the maximum signal, the amplifier has the ability to be at its peak. if th...
By Unknown 5:58:00 AM Other Circuit DC fan control circuit for power amplifier DC fan control circuit for power amplifier .Variable speed DC fan This series of works based on the input signal. Speed / fan rotation dep...
By Unknown 5:53:00 AM Tutorials Solve buzzing and noise on the amplifier circuit Power amplifiers that we sometimes raises a raft of small drone as grounding less than perfect. The following are some ways to cope with the...
By Unknown 5:44:00 AM Tone control Tone control low noise circuit Tone control or pre-amplifier is an amplifier circuit supporters. Sometimes some of us do not know where a good amplifier, a raft alone and ...
By Unknown 5:38:00 AM High power amplifier Transistor Amplifier Spirit Amplifier Schematics Amplifier circuit built-up is pretty nice not always complex. There are a series of amplifiers that I saw a picture of the kit immediately. ...
By Unknown 5:30:00 AM Digital USB SPDIF DAC with IC PCM 2902 The tool that I made and I discuss in this article I give the name USB SPDIF DAC Every word in the name corresponds to the function of the t...
By Unknown Wednesday, February 15, 2012 Other Circuit TDA 7309 Digital Audio Processor Circuit Digital Audio Processor TDA 7309 is a stereo audio processor with independent volume control of each channel was to get the audio quality of...
By Unknown 1:34:00 AM High power amplifier 70 Watt MOSFET Audio Amplifier This is use the MOSFET power amplifier circuit, amplifier circuit has a very good sound quality. With the noise is quite small, thus making ...
By Unknown 1:26:00 AM Digital Other Circuit Tone control Create a Digital Volume Control Circuit This series is the volume of the digital amplifier That is used on or tone control. This series ic type using DS1669 Digital Pot IC specific...
By Unknown 1:19:00 AM Other Circuit Create a electric shock-resistant tool You've electric shock?? .. Well, .. it was nice to recover all your gout! Sometimes true .. but we often do not touch circuit accidental...
By Unknown 1:11:00 AM Phone Make A Virtual Phone Battery Virtual cell phone battery is a replacement cell phone batteries for those of you who use the phone as a modem. Including myself, who use th...
By Unknown Friday, February 10, 2012 Television IC LA78040 schematic for vertical deflection Synchronization circuit to make the signals useful in the process of scanning of the transmitter and sent to the Vertical and Horizontal. To...
By Unknown Thursday, February 9, 2012 Radio signal Building a radio station Requires us to make things systematically and efficiently, because time is very valuable to us, then some of the advances in technology has ...
By Unknown 10:45:00 PM Radio signal Boster 15 watt rd 15 no tune 15 rd booster requires only 0.5 watts of input capable of out 15 watts, the voltage of 13.8 volts it needs. in this series are made to work ...
By Unknown 10:42:00 PM Radio signal Booster BLW 60 In this post an opportunity, I upload booster BLW 60 which may be an inspiration to create home brew. Here I include a file layout that can ...
By Unknown 10:40:00 PM Radio signal 50 ohm dummy load Assemble their own 50 ohm dummy load with a capacity of 40 watts. first of all we need is a 1k resistor 2watt as many as 20 seeds, plain PCB...
By Unknown 10:38:00 PM Radio signal Filter freq dirty from an fm transmitter Low pass filter is a circuit to filter freq dirty from an fm transmitter. so we get a clean signal. and can maximize the output power genera...
By Unknown 10:35:00 PM Radio signal Loading coil antena telex 88-108mhz This post is for an antenna loading coil telex broadcast on freq. let us buy Simply put wrote specifically for the antenna loading coil at t...
By Unknown 10:30:00 PM Radio signal Wave antenna 5/8 pro VKV FM Wave antenna 5/8 consists of a vertical radiator which is fed at the base of the antenna. A suitable device of some sort should be added bet...
By Unknown 10:27:00 PM Radio signal Simple fm transmitter for the experiment Simple fm transmitter for the experiment. This designation may be appropriate to call this series, because rangkaianya very simple and suita...
By Unknown 12:47:00 AM Radio signal Radio Control for toy car Radio Control for toy car Play toy cars controlled by radio signals is an interesting game. The much-loved toy cars children, plus a simple ...