USB powered battery charger circuit

rangkaian usb untuk charge , mengisi batterei , batteray
At this time I will share about the series used in the usb to charge battery. Issued voltage 4.7 Volt to 5 Volt DC suitable for battery charge the phone, as well as other batteries. 

Below is a circuit where the voltage is removed the usb on the computer will be strengthened by several components so that the voltage used to charge batteries more powerful and filtered, and will make it more durable and long lasting.
USB battery charger schematics
Part List :
R1 = 1 K
R2 = 330 R
R3 = 4K7
R4 = 300 R
R5 = 27R
D1 = 4.7 volt zener /1W
C1 = 100uF/16V
Q1 = BC548
Q2 = BC558A

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