AMN12111 - PIR Motion Sensor

AMN12111 - PIR movement sensor
PIR movement sensor module (Passive Infra Red) motion detection sensor AMN12111 is the smallest of objects the size of its shape. PIR motion sensor module (Passive Infra Red) AMN12111 fresneal come equipped with a lens. PIR motion sensor module (Passive Infra Red) AMN12111 has advantages can be directly connected to the microcontroller or other actuator driver.

PIR movement sensor module (Passive Infra Red) AMN12111 has a sensitivity that is very sensitive to changes in motion around it. PIR movement sensor module (Passive Infra Red) AMN12111 very suitable when applied to security systems. The price of the PIR movement sensor module (Passive Infra Red) AMN12111 not quite expensive. readily available in the market. For those of you who want to make a motion detection sensor. PIR movement sensor module (Passive Infra Red) AMN12111 is much easier and more practical than you have to make a series of Infra Red with the Tx and Rx.

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