This is a four channel amplifier ideally suited in place of utilization with quadraphonic equipment such like a Sound Blaster Live tag. present is rejection volume control,audio levels being in a straight line controlled from the sound tag itself.

Component Parts :
D1-D4: 1N4001 (4)
C1,C20: 1000u CAP (2)
C2,C11: 47u CAP (2)
C3,C5,C7,C8,C12,C14,C16,C17,C21,C22: 0.1u CAP (10)
C4,C6,C13,C15: 10u CAP (4)
C9,C10,C18,C19: 2200u CAP (4)
R1,R4,R9,R12: 1M RESISTOR (4)
R2,R6,R10,R14: 100k RESISTOR (4)
R3,R5,R11,R13: 1k RESISTOR (4)
R7,R8,R15,R16: 2R7 RESISTOR (4)
IC1: 7812 (1)
IC2,IC3: LM1778N (2)
SPK1,SPK2,SPK3,SPK4: 8R 2 Watt speakers (4)
Construction is straight cheeky and is apposite in favor of Verobaord. Overall collect is controlled by the ratio R14/R13 and R6/R5. Used with minor hifi speakers the volume was too loud for my extent so I cut-rate R14 and R6 to 33k. The zobel net formed by R7,C7,R8,C8,R15,C16,R16,C17 prevents instability which can take place with slow spokesperson wires. The input impedance is summit, 1M and if very long input cables are award can pick up sound. Screened cable must come about used, now my folder I used 10k resistors among points A & C, B & C, D & F, E & F. This provides a DC path to ground and top clamor exemption. If instability does occur, at that moment you desire notice sound distortion and the LM1877N will develop into passionate to bit.
The back of a sound blaster live certificate has colour oblique 3.5mm stereo jacks. The image lower shows a close up of the rear of my Sound Blaster Live tag. in the function of well as colour coding, every connector has an appropriate marking, intended for laid-back connectivity.
The customary output connector is conservational and the rear narrator connector is black. Creative provide utilities and sound mixer for exercise with Windows. Under Linux the helpfulness Gamix can remain used, which allows autonomous volume control instead of all channels.
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