SMS Remote controller circuit

SMS Remote controller is a device used to control a device remotely using SMS through GSM mobile phones. Process control equipment with a series of AVR ATTiny To SMS Remote Controller can be used to control life and death of these equipment will provide information on the status of replies to our phone in return successful command execution. 

Equipment can be controlled by a series of AVR ATTiny To SMS Remote Controller include lights, water pumps, garage doors, gates and much more. AVR series ATTiny To SMS Remote controller uses the module-47 Sony ericson GM as recipient and sender of the SMS module. Then to the SMS data processor on a series of AVR ATTiny To SMS Remote controller is using AVR microcontroller ATTiny 2313.

Series AVR ATTiny To SMS Remote Controller

SMS Remote controller is a device used to control a device remotely using SMS through GSM mobile phones.
SMS Remote controller circuit Click to view larger. 

AVR circuit this part ATTiny To SMS Remote Controller
AVR series ATTiny To SMS Remote controller uses the AVR attiny2313 with 4MHz clock frequency, GSM Module GM trnceiver 47 Sony ericson, SIM Card, 4 relays and an IC regulator. ATTiny AVR microcontroller 2313 can work well on the voltage 2.7 VDC - 5.5 VDC for working with the frequency at 10MHz bahwah. 

The set of AVR ATTiny In SMS Remote Controller To make use of this power supply from the batteries 3.3 VDC. Connection using a SIM Card SIM Card Holder which is connected to the module GM-47, AVR series ATTiny To SMS Remote Controller works with communication between AVR ATTiny and GM-47 module at 9600bps. In a series of AVR ATTiny To SMS Remote controller is equipped with LED D6 as an indicator of the data interconnect GM-47 module with cellular operators where this LED will light continuously when not apat network and will be lit by flashes when a signal from the operator.

Specifications AVR series ATTiny To SMS Remote Controller

  • 4 Relay for ON / OFF electronic devices
  • 8 input lines for reading in a normal switching
  • LED indicators signal operator
  • SMS command with password, so only the owner can operate

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