BA5406 is a monolithic integrated stereo amplifier from ROHM semiconductors. It can transfer 5W apiece channel into a 4 ohm loudspeaker by the side of 9V supply. Amplifiers based on BA5406 does not require an output coupling transformer and can subsist operated from a single supply. The operating voltage range is from 5 to 15V DC. This makes the IC correct in lieu of low power car audio applications. Other applications of BA5406 are portable audio players, stereo module systems, television and all that. The BA5406 has important channel separation, excellent channel isolation, unimportant pop-up clatter, low noise, low thermal resistance and is open arrived a 12 pin SIP package.
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BA5406 10 Watt Stereo Power Amplifier |
In the circuit diagram revealed lower, BA5406 is configures to hand over 5×2 watts into 4 ohm loudspeakers by the side of a supply voltage of 9 volts. Capacitor C3 is a power supply filter capacitor. C11 and C12 are input DC decoupling capacitors on behalf of the missing and due channels. C3 and R2 forms a Zobel arrangement for the not here output while C6 & R3 forms the same for the right channel. single-mindedness of the Zobel network is to reduce oscillations and rally in height frequency stability of the amplifier. Potentiometers R5 and R6 serves since the volume control on behalf of the not here and right channels. CapacitorsC4 and C8 pair the outputs of the amplifier to the speakers. C9 and C10 are clamor filtering capacitors. C1 and C5 are bootstrap capacitors for the not here and right channels.
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