Fish caller electronics circuit

For those of you who like fishing, this circuit is very suitable for you implement, because it can call the fish and collect a lot of fish so it is easy to provocation and get a lot of fish. Vibrations are excluded from this circuit reaches a distance of several meters in a circle. You can use the river, of where many fish that are easy to find except at sea the waves are fast , so this circuit will not work because it lost by the waves of the sea .Actually , can also be used at sea was calm but the water should not be too choppy.

Part List:
C1   = 10nF
C2   = 47uF/16V
VR1= 5K
R2   = 470R
S1    = Switch On/off
Q1   = BC160
T1   = Transformator Output (OT)
G1  = 3V battery

How to use  the Fish caller circuit :
Ater the circuit is finished and sounds biased, then put inside the bottle and sealed for later when inserted in the water is not damged. After the circuit was put into bottles and then put into water, wait several seconds after the switch on/off button. After this circuit work the fish will come and surround this tool. And when it's like that then it's time to fishing.

6 Responses to "Fish caller electronics circuit"

  1. manggil ikan dengan rangkaian elektronika.??? !! good idea... pake efek suara ni ya....

  2. yes sir.,., sound effects can call fish.,. could really use in the river.,. which is not too swift water.,. but i havnt tried it at sea .,., hhe maklum far dari rmah.,.,.

  3. I've tried and the results are really good, can collect a lot of fish, thanks a lot.

  4. x1-1 and x1-2 are connected to a small speaker/buzzer?Please reply!!!

  5. spesifikasi dari trafo outputnya bagaimana

  6. X1-1 and X1-2 bisa dihubungkan ke Buzzer, yg berdaya rendah. Untuk OT gunakan OT Radio Transistor atau sesuaikan dg daya yg rendah.
    Selamat Mencoba. Good Luck.
